My Studio

Gong by Harry Bertoia, Collection of Chrissy Glenn.

My Studio is my Sanctuary… ”


The studio is where I recharge my batteries. There, in the silence, I am able to fly. I am in the flow…


Chrissy Glenn Stamp: CG

“Stop acting so small. You are the Universe in ecstatic motion. Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames”.


The spirit of the rugged Cowboys who ride on horseback to move their cattle to graze over hundreds of acres... Herds of mule deer bedding down under the willow trees as the snow falls in the high desert… The Western Rodeo with its bright lights, colorful chaps, rhinestones and big brimmed hats... The pueblos of the Southwest with their adobe structures baked of the earth…. Blue green turquoise like water of an alkali lake and the song of native drumming… All this stirs my soul and brings me closer to the great Spirit.”


You are the Universe in ecstatic motion.”


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